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Glimpses Into My Day


The electricity has only been on a couple of hours the last two days - 2 hours yesterday morning and maybe 3 Wednesday night.  I slept so little Wednesday night because of the heat (our fans haven’t had enough electricity to fully charge during the day), that Eric told me to go lay down with the fan on me when the electricity came on Thursday morning.  I woke up as soon as the fan turned off and felt so guilty for sleeping instead of doing laundry while we had electricity!  But I definitely felt better after getting a nap.

Eric found a box of toys in the shed. All of the kids have been gathering on the porch during the heat of the day to play with them.

Eric went to preach at the prison, but they never made it because the lori (truck) kept overheating. BUT God worked it all out for good!  Along the road there are several checkpoints/roadblocks set up (I think at each village).  Eric was able to give out New Testaments to all the policemen at each stop and preach while the lori cooled.  One of the officers videotaped him preaching and sent it to his chief.  The chief invited them to come to his police station, preach, and give out New Testaments to all of the police men!  It is so amazing how open people are to the Gospel, and also humbling that we get to be a part of it!

We turned the generator on for a few hours last night hoping to keep the freezer cold.  I think that has been the most frustrating thing for me - seeing food wasted!  We haven’t figured out yet how long we need to run the generator to keep things from spoiling.  Eric is trying to buy things in bulk because we live in such a remote area. I don’t want it to go bad so spend hours cooking and preserving it, only to have it go bad anyways.  It was so discouraging to see all my labor tossed out for the street dogs…but also hurt my pride as I feel like I may appear to be a wasteful wife!  The national pastor made me feel a little better when he shared that it’s not uncommon this time of year for the electricity to be off for 2 weeks at a time.  Last year, he said they had to throw everything in their fridge and freezer.  Still, I joked with Eric that we should only eat beans and rice so I don’t have to worry about anything going bad.  (He’s not too crazy about beans and rice.)

We didn’t have electricity again last night, but I slept better. I still woke up several times soaking wet, and the kids had a midnight assembly in the kitchen for water…but I feel more refreshed today.

I have been teaching children’s lessons on both Sunday and Wednesday, which I really enjoy.  I will be starting a children’s Bible lesson on Saturdays in the village where Eric has been preaching, but I won’t get to start this week.  Brother Shadrach, who will be translating for me, has to go to a ceremony for one of the neighboring chiefs.  There is one other young lady who translates for me at church, but they feel it would be better for me to have a man with us.  The Lord knows!  Maybe it will be too hot for the little ones this weekend.  God’s timing is perfect and I will prepare for when I can go.

Also, our boxes have arrived in Malawi and are scheduled with a man to be delivered tomorrow!  The pastor’s son said it is cooling down (96-100°s) so it means the rains are coming.  Usually the rains washed out the roads making it impossible to get to the city.  The Lord is bringing our boxes before the rains!  We get to unbox them just in time for Christmas!

Pray for me as I prepare my lessons for the kids this weekend.  Pray that the Lord to allow the Gospel to be clearly presented. May He receive all the glory!

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