While the kids were playing tonight, I went around and snapped pictures of things on our property. The hats peeking through the doorway looked so pretty!
I have been trying to do so much since we arrived, and we are having a hard time adjusting to this heat. Any time my attitude starts to get stressed or I start to get weepy, I know that I am trying to do too much and not getting enough rest.
It was so relaxing to look for the beauty all around. It really is such a pretty place! I have found that wherever I am, I can find beauty if I take a break and look for it.
I was taking pictures of pretty much everything. When I asked the boys if I could walk across their yard to get a picture of the gate going to the garden, they looked at me like I was crazy. It didn’t quite turn out like I wanted, but that’s okay.
Recently, the Lord has been working with me on contentment. I found myself the other day thinking, "If only it was a little cooler!" or "If only we had fans working tonight!" and "If only the electricity would work and keep things cool!" The Lord reprimanded my heart and reminded me. My contentment shouldn't be based on whether things are going my way or not.
Paul said he learned to be content IN WHATSOEVER STATE he was in!
Oh! What a difficult lesson to learn! But may I too soon be able to say, I have learned to be content even when things aren't going my way!
We found this cute crock in one of the cabinets.😍