The rains have come and with it, slightly cooler weather. It still gets pretty hot, but we’ve had a couple of days in the mid 80s. The humidity is still high - 80%-90s.
The water is a blessing because the people live off of what they grow. Last year people faced starvation because of the drought.
The only problem with this much rain is that the rains are washing out some roads, making them impassable. Eric is supposed to be going to the city this week. When he mentioned that he might not be able to because of the roads, the kids said, “But we need ice cream!” Ice cream is not available down here. In fact, most of the kids here have never tasted it, and we were told most probably wouldn’t know what it was!
A road in Blantyre
The power still goes out frequently. I think the time it bothers me the most is at night as it wakes me when it goes off and on…and it gets warmer when it’s off. I’m okay almost all day without it, but it would be nice to have it during meal times so I can wash my hands as I’m cooking, and just enough to wash the laundry. That is, IF I could run the electricity. But, things don’t always go according to my plans.
Every time the power goes out, you can hear the kids say in unison “aawww!”…and again when it comes back on “yay!” I thought it was just us, but we had to hold back the laughter at church one time when all the agogos (elderly) had the same response when we lost electricity. The agogo women like to come sit on the mats under the ceiling fans.
Church services are never dull between losing electricity, trying to hear the preacher with the loud rain pounding on the tin roof, and even animal visitors. Wednesday was especially exciting as Milo decided that she would visit church. We heard a noise in the office beside us and there was Milo! I asked Eric if I should get her, but we didn’t want to disturb the song service. A few minutes later, she was walking behind the song leader! A few people tried to catch her, but she was able to dodge each of their attempts. She eventually went out a window and as we were walking the kids to the children’s church area, we caught her and brought her home.
As we were walking, we heard a noise and looked. In the little building where the teens meet on Wednesdays, there in the doorway was a big donkey! I didn’t find out how they got it out. In the children’s church area it is not uncommon to have chickens or ducks. And the other week as I was teaching, a big mouse poked his head out in the wall right beside where I was standing! Thankfully I was able to refrain from screaming.
The other week, when Eric was doing a Bible study in a nearby village, they saw a woman walking with a handmade door on her head, and on top of that, handmade hoes. Walking beside her were her little children. One of the girls had a baby wrapped to her back. They had walked 50 kilometers to try to sell their goods! Can you imagine walking that distance WITH a door on your head and your little ones just to make possibly $30?! It is humbling!
The Big Tree we meet under for Bible Study
There are two things I am learning:
First, I am so blessed!
Secondly, we will never be bored living here!